Help I need a really good recipe for cookies! Sugar-Free would be good but I don't know if that is possible...So if there is anyone who has a yummy cookie recipe that we can eat whilst on this challenge let me know thanks!
My family is doing the Challenge with me (we have a $30 Target gift card taped to the fridge as motivation). We each have a sweet tooth so it has been fun to support and encourage each other as we go. My boys are reading labels and becoming more educated. They admonish me when I forget to pack veggies in their lunches. They remind me to write in my journal. If nothing else comes of this, the vocal appreciation for each other (and me) is worth it!
I want to do this challenge because I don’t want to look like this after licking the bowl anymore! <<...>> Just kidding!) I want to do this challenge because I need to learn to live without sugar as the most consumed part of my diet! I am excited about the spiritual part of the challenge and I want to be active again! This picture was of me in college right after I was in a brownie batter fight with a friend of mine!
I am grateful for this wellness challenge because I am motivated to make good daily habits along with other people I know are also choosing good habits. I also am grateful to be an example to my family and help make better choices for them also.
Casey and Jamie
To become a better well rounded person physically, emotionally, and spiritually. There is always room for growth and we should take every opportunity to better ourselves which will help us more fully bless the lives of others.
The reason I am doing this challenge is to be an example to my family. I am so blessed to be an at-home mommy to my 3 great little guys. With them being so young, I have the opportunity to teach them things now that may stick with them for the rest of their lives. Being an example is the best way I can teach them. And it wouldn't hurt to come out of this pregnancy more well than I was going into it
I want to do this challenge because I want to be healthier. The whole point system makes it easy to stay on track. I also love that it ties in spiritual well being! Totally well rounded!
I am doing this challenge to become a healthier person!
I want to walk the talk and take all of these good things we are supposed to do everyday and make them solid HABITS! Especially during the next little transition in my life. A little friendly competition as well as the group effort is a great motivator for me. Love it!
I love that this program is about wellness for everything! Food, scriptures etc…. This year I have been working at becoming a healthier me and this is the perfect next step!
1 comment:
I've been meaning to post some recipes. Just haven't had time - will get on that in the next couple days...
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