Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Can't Exercise?

As far as exercise goes - I know there are some who can't do "traditional" exercise at this time. April is on bed rest, Kristel just had a baby, we have another expecting mom, and some people just have other physical limitations. If for some reason your body cannot handle strenuous movements - obviously don't do it, haha. Do something for 30 min., that you feel good about, that will take the place of exercise each day. Exercise your brain - plan on reading for 30 min. (in addition to the other 15 min). There are videos called "Sit and Be Fit". They are a little corny, but hey, they work - and most everyone could do them. Stretching, yoga, I know there are others... Check out some exercise videos on different subjects from the library. When you can start exercising again -then do. And for everyone else on here without physical limitations - you are expected to exercise! :)

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